Thursday, May 1, 2008


N Nix said...

First off, congrats for being the first post! Kudos to that. Can you give a little blurb about the piece? General Dimensions? Is there a reason behind the pose, or does it have something to do with the construction difficulties? (which isn't a negative thing) What animal characteristics did you use?

I'm not sure how wet the piece is, so I'm hesitant about making suggestions. Just some teacher things.... it looks like it might be stuck to the board in some areas. Be careful with that. It'll stress the piece out. How soft is the clay?

N Nix said...

I would transfer him/her to a bed of foam/bubblewrap/cloth.

Does it have a name?

Zach Stork said...

Well the piece is currently untitled and at the time of the pictures very wet. At the moment it is leatherhard, and moist towards the bottom as the piece is stuck to the table. I am letting it dry a little bit so it will retain its shape when I cut it up and hollow it out. The piece is about 175 lbs of clay and approximately 37" x 16". There were not really any construction difficulties, besides time, but as for any true meaning behind the pose? I don't know. I got the idea from the pose from my dog does, when he sleeps and rolls onto his back and stretches his legs. That's about it.

N Nix said...

One thing I'd like you to consider is the size of the head. It's difficult to see by the pictures, but it appears that the head my be a bit small. Measure the proportions of your dog, and compare. If the piece is too dry to work with, pretend I never said anything. :)

Oh, if you need foam to put it on, i have some...

N Nix said...

I was looking at the picts again.....did you measure the dimensions for the kiln? I'm not sure what the horizontal dimensions are, but I'm not sure.... measure the exact size so we can see if it'll fit.