Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ok, now my stuff...

Not everyone has seen my work from this summer, so here are some of the highlights. My focus was tactile functionality. I wanted to create some pieces that created interesting tactile experiences, but remained completely functional. Here are some of the pieces.


Nickvest said...

I'm sitting in Schein Joseph right now, i feel like i actually do ceramics again...anyway The teapot is really nice, i'm wondering about the choices with the spout but other than questions there i think the piece works really well. The base reminds me of a cross between those saucers you did and the little black test cup that sits in your back room. The handle has a great profile. is this gas fired no? The two larger (i'm assuming) pieces are my favorites of the bunch, thay are like the style i got into a lot this summer. i think the contrast on the rim is what makes the pieces for me, are they un glazed at the rim? How long did you wait to manipulate them? i'm just wondering because some throwing lines are left untouched in manipulated spots and they really work...for me. my shif is over now, but as a side note, john gill just walked in, he says hello. and tells me your a very hard worker

kwillders said...
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